Posts tagged CIS Controls

7 min CIS Controls


帮助您在组织中实现关键控制的八个实用步骤. Get started now!

4 min Penetration Testing


保护自己免受威胁需要不断地问自己,你的安全程序是否按设计工作. 关键控制20涵盖渗透测试和红队练习.

3 min CIS Controls


有效的事件响应计划可以帮助您快速发现攻击, contain the damage, eradicate the attacker's presence, and restore the integrity of your network and systems.

5 min CIS Controls


应用软件安全(关键控制18)可能看起来势不可挡, but when upheld, it can make your SDLC wishes and SecOps dreams come true.

4 min CIS Controls


开发了一个新的安全程序,但却忽视了对员工的培训,就像发运了今年最热门的产品,却忘了把说明书藏在盒子里. CIS关键控制17背后的关键原则是实施安全意识和培训计划.

3 min CIS Controls

Critical Control 16: Account Monitoring and Control

这是我们的CIS关键安全控制博客系列的延续,其中 提供关于控制注意力的教育信息和技巧 and tricks for consideration. See why SANS listed Rapid7 as the top solution provider addressing the CIS top 20 controls []. What is CIS Critical Control 16? 在信息安全的世界里,性感的东西吸引了所有的注意力. Everybody wants the latest and greatest next-gen produc

3 min CIS Controls


这是我们的CIS关键安全控制博客系列的延续 [/2017/04/19/the-cis-critical-security-controls-series/]. See why SANS listed Rapid7是解决CIS前20名控制项的最佳解决方案提供商 []. 几十年前,你的网络是路由器、防火墙、交换机、防火墙的集合 ports, and what seemed like a million miles of cable. The only way for your employees and guests to access it was to be seated nea

5 min CIS Controls


这是我们的CIS关键安全控制博客系列的延续 [/2017/04/19/the-cis-critical-security-controls-series]. See why SANS listed Rapid7是解决CIS前20名控制项的最佳解决方案提供商. Let’s start with some simple, yet often unasked questions. Do you know what 关键资产——信息和数据、应用、硬件、SCADA系统、 etc.—exist in your organization’s network? Do you have a data classification policy? Who defines the criticality of systems

3 min CIS Controls


这是我们的CIS关键安全控制博客系列的延续 [/2017/04/19/the-cis-critical-security-controls-series]. 数据保护是一个坚实的安全程序的基石之一,它 是中央情报局保密、诚信和安全三位一体的关键职能 Availability. 以关键控制13为特征的数据保护是 essentially secure data management. What do we mean by that? What is CIS Critical Security Control 13? Secure data management encompasses c

4 min CIS Controls

CIS Critical Control 12: Boundary Defense Explained

本博客是CIS关键控制系列博客的延续 [/2017/04/19/the-cis-critical-security-controls-series/]. 关键原理:检测/阻止/纠正信息流的传递 不同信任级别的网络,关注破坏安全的数据. What Is It? Boundary defense is control 12 [] of the CIS Critical Controls [] and is part of the ne

6 min CIS Controls


本博客是CIS关键控制系列博客的延续 [/2017/04/19/the-cis-critical-security-controls-series/]. 我们现在已经通过了CIS关键安全控制的一半 []. The 11th deals with Secure Configurations for Network Devices. When we say network 设备,我们指的是防火墙、路由器、交换机和网络IDS [] setup

4 min CIS Controls

CIS Critical Control 10: Data Recovery Capability

希望你在互联网安全中心(CIS)度过了愉快的一站 控制9:网络端口、协议和服务的限制和控制 (/ 2018/03/05 / cis-critical-control-9-limitation-and-control-of-ports-protocols-and-services /) ! 如果您错过了本次旅程的前几站,请查看我们的完整 blog series on the CIS Top 20 Critical Controls [/2017/04/19/the-cis-critical-security-controls-series/]; each blog provides educational information regarding the control of focus

4 min CIS Controls


这是我们的CIS关键控制系列博客系列的延续. Need help addressing these controls? See why SANS listed Rapid7 as the top solution provider addressing the CIS top 20 controls []. 如果你曾经在主要的大都市高速公路系统上开车,你就会看到: The flow of traffic is completely engineered. Routes are optimized to allow 旅客能尽快到达目的地. Traffic laws speci

6 min Malware


这是我们的CIS关键安全控制的延续 [/2017/04/19]博客系列. 工作站构成了任何组织中最大的威胁面. The CIS Critical Security Controls [包括 工作站和用户为中心的端点安全的几个控制,但 控制8(恶意软件防御)是唯一严格关注防病毒的控制 and malware across the organiza

5 min CIS Controls


本博客是我们关于CIS Critical系列博客文章的延续 Controls [] . 在任何组织中,最大的威胁面都是其工作站. This is the reason so many of the CIS Critical Security Controls [http://www.rapid7.与…相关 workstation and user-focused endpoint security. It is also the reason that workstation security is a multibill